Keeping track of our weight allows us to know if we are leading a healthy life or, instead, we should improve some aspect of our routine. For this, the scale is a tool that cannot be missing at home in order to know what weight we are at.

Until a few years ago, that was its only function. However, with the advancement of technology, the scale has become a smart device. That is, we can now know many more parameters. Such as, for example, the BMI (Body Mass Index), the percentage of muscle mass r or the amount of water, among other elements.

Having a smart scale gives you a more global view of the state of your body. You will be able to measure different data, see the evolution over time and move faster towards your goals. In addition, its connectivity via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth links all these parameters through a mobile application. Without a doubt, an easy and comfortable way to keep track of your body health.

Do you want to know how they work and what are the advantages of accessing all this data with just one click? We show you!

Smart scales: how they work

Specifically, a smart scale is responsible for carrying out a bioelectrical impedance analysis. Afterwards, its results are displayed graphically through a mobile application, as it incorporates connectivity. In this way, through a mobile phone or tablet, you can see the different parameters and their evolution. For this, the technology they usually use to access this data is Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

This type of scales measure different parameters of our body. The function of the device is to emit small electrical currents that are imperceptible and run through our body. Most of them are usually transmitted through bare feet. Therefore, depending on the time it takes to pass through the body, the different parameters are determined.

Parameters and functions

The main parameters that smart scales usually incorporate are the following:

Body fat percentage

It is one of the essential data that we must assess to know if we have a healthy weight or need to lose weight.

BMI or body mass index

The body mass index or BMI is a value established by the World Health Organization (WHO) to determine the state of our body based on weight, height and age.

Muscle mass percentage

How can we tell if our weight gain is fat or muscle? Many times the weight of the scale does not define the health of our body. In order to determine that this weight gain is due to an increase in the amount of muscle, it is necessary to have the information on the percentage of muscle mass. This information will be very useful for sports people and for those individuals who want to lose weight or gain muscle.

Water amount

Another aspect to consider is the amount of water present in our body. Thus, we can know if we have fluid retention or if we do not hydrate enough throughout the day.

Bone density

On the other hand, the scales will be able to measure the total of what our bones weigh. Not all people have the same measurements or structure, so it is very good to have this information.

Visceral fat

This type of fat is found in one of the areas that most concern us: the abdomen and the organs around the core.

Basal metabolism

It is about the energy that the body consumes and needs to perform the essential functions of the day to day. For this, the physical activity that is carried out is excluded.

Metabolic age

In turn, the scale also calculates your age based on the wear and tear of your body. That is, it is our age at a physiological level. It differs from the real age at which the years are determined according to the previous parameters. Therefore, if you lead a healthy lifestyle, you may be younger than yours and in the same way otherwise.

In short, having a smart scale is a tool that will help you to know different parameters that you must take into account to know if your body is healthy. At the same time, it can be used to keep track of your body condition.


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